Sunday, December 30, 2007

JCP approved JPA 2.0 (JSR-317)

JCP (Java Community Process) has approved next version of Java Persistence API (JSR-317). Here is the link: JSR-317 (JPA 2.0).

The scope of JPA 2.0 is :

  1. Expanded object/relational mapping functionality, including greater flexibility in combining existing mapping options, support for collections of embedded objects, multiple levels of embedded objects, ordered lists, combinations of access types, etc.
  2. Additions to the Java Persistence query language
  3. An API for "criteria" queries
  4. Standardization of sets of "hints" for query configuration and for entity manager configuration
  5. Standardization of additional metadata to support DDL generation and "Java2DB" mapping
  6. Expanded pluggability contracts to support efficient passivation and replication of extended persistence contexts in Java EE environments
  7. Standardization of additional contracts for entity detachment and merge, and persistence context management
    Support for validation

Its good to know that JPA 2.0 would include criteria API. I've been using Hibernate for last couple of years and have always liked criteria-API.

Almost all leading companies (including IBM, BEA, Oracle, Red Hat Sun etc.) have voted 'Yes' for this specification. Apache has voted 'No' on the ground that this spec lead - Sun - is in violation of the JSPA and therefore shouldn't be allowed to start another JSR until the above matter is resolved. (Link: Voting Result)

Link: SUN's presentation on JPA 2.0 in JavaOne Conference 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Watch out for JBI 2.0

Currently, JBI 2.0 specification is in progress. It is expected to be finalized in Q1 of 2008. The JCP reference for JBI 2.0 is JSR 312. [Link to JSR 312]

The scope of JBI 2.0 includes followings:

  • Enhancements to facilitate the use of JBI in clustered or distributed environments, principally with respect to administration rather than the clustering/distribution mechanism itself.
  • Enhancements to clarify and enhance the use of JBI in a SOA-based approach to the creation, deployment and runtime support of Composite Applications.
  • Enhancements to support requirements stemming from WS-Policy.
  • Enhancement to support Web 2.0 technologies and usage models.
  • Introduction of a Message Exchange handler/interceptor model.
  • Enhancements to facilitate performance optimizations by component and container implementers.
  • Improved alignment with Java EE (e.g. use of transactions).
  • Recoverability of Message Exchanges.
  • Improved readability of the specification to clarify the needs of container, component and application developers.
  • Alignment with the Service Component Architecture (SCA) specifications (see with the goal of making JBI 2.0 a standard Java runtime for SCA .
  • Enhancements to support full compatibility with OSGi, without necessarily requiring OSGi.
  • Technical issues stemming from implementation experience using the JBI 1.0 specification (e.g. life-cycle of components, error handling, interop profiles, examination of the utility of WSDL definitions for non-Web Services deployed components, component attributes, threading, NIO use, classpath or endpoint activation)

The above list is taken from the proposal of JSR 312. I am more interested in the highlighted items. One of the most important drawback of JBI 1.0 is that its Normalized Message Router (NMR) is not based on a messaging system, but it is an in-memory router. It makes it a single point of failure in the system. I hope that the scope named as "Recoverability of Message Exchanges" address this issue.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Is JBI 1.0 true ESB?

Sun has taken a big leap with new integration specification JBI 1.0. The JCP reference for this specification is JSR 208. The specification is available here for download: JBI 1.0 Specification.

One of the key component of JBI 1.0 is Normalized Message Router (NMR). It routes normalized messages from the source component to its destination using some kind of routing policy.

In a true ESB based architecture or product, the integration is based on a messaging system, which acts as a message broker. The role of this message broker is to provide abstraction between application components. It routes the message from one component to another component, and the components are not aware of location of each other. It provides following functionality:

  1. Reliability: In case of failure or unavailability of any component, the messages are persisted in a queue.
  2. Scalability: The end point of ESB can be deployed on multiple servers. These servers are linked together with the messaging system. The ESB knows the location and type of services deployed on each server. It uses this information to route the messages to its destination.
  3. Security: Transport level or message level security can be provided by the messaging system while transporting the messages from one server to another server.

In JBI 1.0 specification, the Normalized Message Router (NMR) is expected to play the role of message-broker for the ESB. However, the NMR in JBI 1.0 is designed as in-memory message router. It is not based on any messaging system. Therefore, it does not provide all the functionality of the message broker of a true ESB. Moreover, it becomes a single point of failure. In case JBI 1.0 based server crashes, the in-transit messages are lost.  In my opinion, JBI 1.0 based product does not qualify for a true ESB solution.

David Chappell paper : Introducing SCA

David Chappell has written a nice paper on SCA technology: Introducing SCA

The paper explains the concept of SCA and its attributes (components, composite, domains etc.). It includes samples of new SCA components. To learn SCA, this paper is a good starting point, which covers all the basics of this new technology.

The SCA specification defines:

  1. A new programming model to create services. For example: creating EJB is a programming model, which the developer defines classes & configuration files following EJB standard. The EJB is deployed in an EJB container, and the ejb-attributes (security, transaction etc.) are defined in the deployment-configuration file. In similar way, SCA defines a new programming model to create classes and configuration files. These classes and configuration files are deployed on SCA runtime (Example: Tuscuny).
  2. Composition of components: SCA specification a new method to create composite components. This is very much similar to orchestration. The orchestration is defined using BPEL like language. In this case, it is defined in the configuration file of SCA. One component gets reference to another component using inversion of control pattern. So, if one component composes of another, it is defined with annotation  "@Reference". The reference is defined in the configuration file. It is the responsibility of SCA runtime to create the object and make it available to the parent class using getter/setter.

However, it briefly touches some advanced (but important) aspects of any services. Well, this paper being the introduction, the advanced topics is out of scope for this papers. The topics, which I am referring, are:

  1. Transaction Handling
  2. Security Implementation
  3. Development Tools
  4. Runtime
  5. Monitoring (SCA does not specify standard MBeans)

A new SCA transaction-policy specification (draft version) is published on 3rd December 2007 (Link: SCA Specifications). I have not reviewed it so far.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Is Agile Software Development process effective for large projects?

Recently, I worked on a project following Agile development process. The size of the project was big including a J2EE Web application, integration using an ESB product and Web-Services. The development teams were located at two places in USA and one in offshore (India). Before start of the project, the client decided to use Agile process for this project. I had worked on other development process such as RUP, SDP, Waterfall etc. This was my first experience with Agile process.

Principles of Agile Process

Following principles of Agile Process were followed:

  1. The requirements were captured in the form on user stories. There was no formal requirement or use-case document for the entire project.
  2. The project was executed in iterations. In one iteration, few user stories were selected for implementation. During selection of user stories for one iteration, it was ensured that the implementation time would not be more than 4 to 6 weeks.
  3. The development team, business analyst and testers sit in one big conference room at all three locations. There was one hour of meeting daily to keep track of development, issues and other items.
  4. The development started on the very first day. The developers were given the user stories, and list of frameworks/tools to start the project. The developers had marathon meeting to discuss the implementation strategy. They divided the work and started coding.
  5. Business analysts and testers worked with developers to assist in understanding the requirements and testing the deliverables.
  6. Each iteration delivered a new version of application for deployment in production.
  7. The requirements were not static. It could be changed anytime during development.

This process was followed for few iterations, and we started seeing problems with this approach.

Problems with Agile Process and Lessons Learnt

  1. No Requirement Document: Agile process recommends to minimize the documents. And, the requirements can be changed by the customer anytime. This creates a lot of confusion to the customer. A lot of time is wasted in discussion with the business analyst in finalizing the requirements. As analyst is not bound to freeze the requirement, the developers are always in the state of uncertainty that the change may be coming soon.

    This creates more problems to the project manager specially in case of fixed-bid contracts. Since the scope of the iteration is not defined, it becomes difficult for the project manager to mange the scope of deliverables. Agile process says that "Forget about Change Requests", which is good for the client but not for the consulting/contracting company.
  2. No Design Document: The developers are expected to discuss the implementation approach and start development as soon as the user story is received. Now a days, the applications (Web or Integration) are so complicated that you need a good framework and abstraction around common functionality. This improves consistency and reuse.

    In Agile process, there is no time allocated to develop the common framework to be used by all developers. In absence of the common framework, each developer tends to write code in its own style. This creates huge inconsistency. The problem compounds when the teams are sitting in different locations and different time zones.
  3. Senior Developers only: The developers are expected to discuss the architecture & implementation strategy, and start programming. This requires that the developers must have good experience in developing similar applications. For junior developers, it was always a challenge to understand all the decisions taken during the discussion and start implementing it.
  4. No Team Lead / Supervisor: All developers are expected to work on certain deliverables. Usually, there is only one leader in Agile process, who manages the entire development cycle. But, the leaders responsibility is very much similar to a project manager which includes managing the user stories, scope of iterations etc. The developers work on own. In large projects, (as per my experience) technical and QA leads are very important to manage the deliverables. Without a lead, each developers tend to follow its own design patters, coding practice resulting in poor quality, duplicate work and inconsistency.
  5. Incremental Deliverables: The project is divided into user stories and the life of an iteration is around 4 to 6 weeks. Each iteration creates a version of the application to be deployed in production. If the application is actually put in production and is used by the end-users, it requires migration effort for each iteration. For large projects, the requirements are built incrementally, the database is changed in each iteration. This requires migrating data in the end of each iteration, which becomes a signification effort (but not useful) by the end of the project.
  6. Managing Large Developers: If a large development team is working, it becomes difficult to allocate work to each developer for a 4-6 weeks development cycle. Few developers get a lot of pressure and few get a lot of time for "Googling/Coffee/Smoking".
  7. No Task Level Schedule: Usually, the only task defined for an iteration is to implement the user-story. This becomes difficult for the project manager or lead to keep track of the progress. Changing requirement adds more problems to it.


Looking at pros and cons of Agile Development Process, I feel that it may be good for small projects or the maintenance/upgrade projects. In these cases, as the framework and other documents/tools are already created, there is a baseline. The upgrade would require minor and local changes, which can be managed very easily and effectively in terms of user stories and small iterations. For large projects with large development team & multiple development sites, Agile Development Process may not be a good choice.